![]() TM 9-4931-363-14&P
d. Sight through the boresight tool and align on a
f. Rotate the boresight tool on the magnet through an
angle of at least 90 degrees while looking through the
distant target (1000 meters minimum) by adjusting the
boresight tool.
LOD in elevation and azimuth until a target is centered in
the field of view of the boresight tool.
g. If the target appears to move from the center of the
field of view more than one-half the distance to the edge of
the field of view when the boresight tool is rotated through
e. Tighten the elevation and azimuth locks. Check that
90 degrees, the boresight tool should not be used.
the target remains centered in the boresight tool.
4-6. General.
for continuity shall be less than 1 ohm.
Troubleshooting procedures for any failure that might
occur during self-test or adjustment of the divider network
are provided in paragraph 4-7. Detailed supplementary
a. Self-Test Troubleshooting. If a failure occurs during
information that may be used in troubleshooting suspected
self-test (table 3-3), perform troubleshooting procedures as
failures is also provided in paragraphs 4-8 and 4-9. Refer to
prescribed in table 4-2 (see fig. 2-2).
the self-test functional diagram (fig. 2-2) and the schematic
b. Divider Network Troubleshooting. Refer to Section
diagrams (foldouts FO-1 througt FO-4) as necessary in
V I f o r d i v i d e r network adjustments and voltage
tracing the circuits and in following instructions for the
p a r t i c u l a r problem or failure. Disassembly/assembly
calculations. If a failure occurs while making adjustments in
instructions for the test set components are provided in
the divider network, perform troubleshooting procedures as
prescribed in the applicable part of step 4, table 4-2.
Section V, and the repair parts illustrations are in Appendix
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