![]() TM 9-4931-363-14&P
4-10. Scope.
d. Assemble the LOD in the reverse order of
disassembly, referring to figure B-2 and following the
This section provides instructions for disassembly and
special instructions below:
assembly of the fire control subsystem test set. References
(1) Before installing screw (36) to secure magnet
are made to illustrations in Appendix B for procedures and
(37), coat the threads of the screw with a coat of grade T,
sequence of steps.
form R (primer) MIL-S-22473 sealing compound and allow
it to air-dry 3 to 5 minutes; then apply a coat of grade H,
brown MIL-S-22473 sealing compound.
The components in the illustrations in Appendix B (figs.
(2) Install angle bracket (23) as follows:
sequence of disassembly. When assembling, the reverse
(a) Insert angle bracket (23) into leveling base
order of disassembly will be followed unless otherwise
a s s e m b l y (40). The dimension from the centerline of
instructed. The illustrations should not be construed as
leveling base assembly (40), which is the centerline of the
authority to disassemble the material beyond the point
two tapped holes used for securing leveling reflector (21 ),
required to perform operations authorized in the
to the center of the tapered hole in angle bracket (23)
maintenance allocation chart (MAC) in Appendix C or to
should be 4.25 0.06 inches. Hold in place with setscrew
replace parts other than those authorized in the applicable
columns in Appendix B, Repair Parts List.
(b) To align angle bracket (23) to leveling base
assembly (40), place leveling base assembly (40) on a
Assembly (fig. B-1).
surface plate. Loosen setscrew (22) slightly so that angle
bracket (23) can be rotated.
Open access cover and
remove items (1) through (8),
which are contained in the
lid of item (9). To reassemble,
(c) Using feeler gages between angle bracket (23)
install items (1) through (8)
in corresponding pockets in the
and the surface plate, adjust angle bracket (23) until it is
lid of item (9). Close access
parallel to the surface plate within 0.003 inch.
4-13. Linkage
Orientation Device Disassembly and
(d) Tighten setscrew (22) securely.
(e) Using a 3/32-inch drill and using the hole in
l e v e l i n g base assembly (40) as a pilot, drill through angle
bracket (23).
(1) Break the adhesive when removing screws (1) and
(f) Drive in spring pin (1 5).
(3) Install threaded straight pin (17) and associated
(2) To remove angle bracket (23), drive out spring
pin (15) with a 3/32-inch drift pin.
items as follows:
(3) To remove threaded straight pin (17), drive out
(a) Insert pin (17) through swivel frame (19),
spring pin (15) with a 3/32-inch drift pin.
using spring tension washers (16), so that end opposite
threads is flush with outer surface of swivel frame (19).
the sequence indicated in figure B-3. Bushing (6) must be
(b) Using a 3/32-inch drill and using the hole in
pressed out.
swivel frame (19) as a pilot, drill through pin (17).
reverse order of disassembly, referring to figure B-3 and
(c) Fasten pin (17) to swivel frame (19) by driving
pressing in bushing (6).
in pin (15).
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