![]() TM
return is provided at J9-41. With S9 set to position R2, the
output of AR8 on the A13 card is connected through J9-3,
a. Reference Material. The following reference
through contact 10 and wiper 1 of S4-1, through contacts 2
materials are required to support the amplifier card A13
and 3 of S9, and through contact 2 and wiper 1 of S5-A to
test theory discussion:
the meter and to the channel B input of the oscilloscope
through J11. The oscilloscope channel A input is connected
(1) Amplifier card A13 test table from TM
to J14. The oscilloscope external trigger is connected to
J13. With a known input signal amplitude to the A13 card,
amplifier AR8 is adjusted in phase and amplitude until the
signal at J9-3 (oscilloscope channel B) is in phase and equal
(2) Amplifier card A13 foldout schematic diagram
to the input signal, or unity gain.
from TM 9-1270-212-14&P
(5) Refer to step 4 in figure 2-12 and in the A13 test
(3) Amplifier card A13 test functional diagram (fig.
table. Setting S9 to position R3 connects the output of
amplifier AR6 on the A13 card through S9-13 and through
contact 10 and wiper 1 of S4-H to the display circuitry
b. Theory Discussion.
described above. In this step, amplifier AR6 is adjusted in
(1) To prepare for the amplifier card A13 test theory
phase and amplitude for unity gain.
discussion, refer to the troubleshooting procedures for
(6) Refer to step 5 in figure 2-12 and in the A13 test
amplifier card A13 in TM 9-1270-212-14&P and mentally
table. Setting S4 to position 8 connects 5 volts ac, out of
perform steps a through e.
phase, through wiper 1 and contact 9 of S4-G, and through
wiper 2 and contact 11 of S7-E to J9-31 and -37 to energize
(2) Refer to step 1 in figure 2-12 and in the A13 test
the circuitry associated with AR1-AR2 and AR3-AR4 on
table. The A13 amplifier card under testis connected to J9
the A13 card. Setting S8 to position 9 applies a ground
on the test set. Setting S3 to position 4 connects 5 volts ac
J9-29 and -35 through contact 10 and wiper 1 of S8-K.
from the voltage divider network R3 and R4 associated
Card operating power is connected as previously discussed.
with T2 through contact 5 and wiper 1 of S3-L, through
With S9 set to position R2, the output of AR4 on the A13
contact 3 and wiper 1 of S4-1, through contacts 2 and 3 of
card is connected through J9-27, through contact 9 and
S9 set to R2, and through S5-A to the meter and A2 card
wiper 1 of S4-I, and through S9 and S5 previously discussed
phase detector circuit for readout. This measurement
to the meter and channel B oscilloscope input. The 9-volt
establishes the exact amplitude of the test set signal which
ac phase reference signal from the wiper of R8 remains
is used as a reference in setting the gain of amplifiers on the
connected through J14 to the channel A oscilloscope input,
A13 card.
Thus, by comparison to the step 4 and 5 reference signal,
this reference will be about 4 volts larger than the channel
(3) Refer to step 2 in figure 2-12 and in the A13 test
B waveform. The A13 test table contains a note advising
table. Setting S3 to position 6 connects the signal at the
the operator of this difference. In this step, output
wiper of R8 in the voltage divider network associated with
amplifier AR4 is adjusted in phase and amplitude for unity
T2 through contact 7 and wiper 1 of S3-L, and through the
connections described above to the meter and phase
detector circuit for readout. This measurement establishes
(7) Refer to step 6 in figure 2-12 and in the A13 test
the exact amplitude of the test set reference signal used in
table. Setting S9 to position R3 connects the output of
setting the gain of the A13 card amplifiers.
amplifier AR2 on the A13 card through J9-33 and through
(4) Refer to step 3 in figure 2-12 and in the A13 test
contact 9 and wiper 1 of S4-H to the oscilloscope and
meter for readout. In this step, output amplifier AR2 is
table. Setting S7 to position 3 connects the ac output from
adjusted in phase and amplitude for unity gain.
the wiper of R8 through wiper 1 and contact 4 of S7-E to
J9-9 and -23 to energize the circuitry associated with
(8) Refer to step 7 in figure 2-12 and in the A13 test
AR5-AR6 and AR7-AR8 on the A13 card. Refer to the
A13 foldout schematic in TM 9-1270-212-14&P. Setting S8
table. Setting S7 to position 2 connects 9 volts ac, out of
to position 8 applies a ground to J9-11 and -25 through
phase, from the wiper of R8 through wiper 1 and contact 3
of S7-E to J9-37 and -31 to energize the noninverting input
wiper 1 and contact 9 of S8-K. Card +18-volt dc operating
of AR1 and AR3. Wiper 2 and contact 9 of the same switch
power is connected to J9-2 through wiper 1 and contact 10
connect 5 volts ac, out of phase, to J9-35 and -29 to
of S4-J. Card -18-volt dc operating power is connected to
J9-28 through wiper 1 and contact 10 of S4-L. The signal
energize the inverting input of AR1 and AR3. The A13
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