![]() TM 9-4931-363-14&P
(4) Refer to step 3 in figure 2-11 and in the A12 test
table. To provide a check of the power fail circuitry on the
a. Reference Material. The following reference
A12 card, three power inputs, in addition to those provided
in step 1, are required. The 10 volts ac, in phase, is
materials are required to support the power supply card
A12 test theory discussion:
connected through wiper 1 and contact 8 of S4-D, and
through wiper 1 and contact 9 of S8-C to J6-12. The 10
(1) Power supply card A12 test table from TM
volts ac, out of phase, is connected through wiper 1 and
contact 8 of S4-E, and through wiper 1 and contact 9 of
S8-D to J6-14. The 28 volts dc is connected through wiper
(2) Power supply card A12 foldout schematic from
1 and contact 8 of S4-A, through CR6, and through wiper 1
TM 9-1270-212-14&P
and contact 9 of S8-A to J6-22. The logic high at J6-6 is
applied to X42-31 in the test set. When S11 is pressed, 28
(3) Power supply card A12 test functional diagram
volts dc is connected through wiper 1 and contact 8 of
S4-B, and through wiper 1 and contact 9 of S8-E to
XA2-33. The activated logic circuitry provides a ground at
b. Theory Discussion.
XA2-27 which lights DS7 on the test set.
(1) To prepare for the power supply card A12 test
(5) Refer to step 4 in figure 2-11 and in the A12 test
theory discussion, refer to the troubleshooting procedures
table. With S8 set to position 9, the +12-volt output of the
for power supply card A12 in TM 9-1270-212-14&P and
card at J6-34 is connected through contact 10 and wiper 1
mentally perform steps a through e.
of S8-L, and through contact 6 and wiper 1 of S5-A to the
meter input.
(2) Refer to step 1 in figure 2-11 and in the A12 test
table. The A12 power supply card under test is connected
(6) Refer to step 5 in figure 2-11 and in the A12 test
to J6 on the test set. With S4 set to position 7, the primary
table. With the A12 card bridge rectifiers activated as in
winding of T1 in the test set is energized. The 28 volts dc is
step 1 but the three added power inputs of step 3 removed,
connected through wiper 1 and contact 8 of S4-A to
the output of the power fail circuit at J6-6 is a logic low.
energize K9 and K10 in the test set. The energized contacts
Thus, when S11 on the test set is pressed to activate the
of relays K9 and K10 disconnect the two 20-volt
test set power fail logic, XA2-27 remains a logic high and
transformer windings of T1 from the A12 card in the test
DS7 is not lighted.
set and connect the windings to the A12 card under test.
The 10-volt windings remain connected to both A12 cards.
(7) Refer to step 6 in figure 2-11 and in the A12 test
With S8 set to position 7, the -18-volt dc output of the card
table. With S8 set to position 10, the +5-volt dc output of
at J6-10 is connected through contact 8 and wiper 1 of
the card at J6-32 is connected through contact 11 and
S8-L, and through contact 6 and wiper 1 of S5-A to the
wiper 1 of S8-L, and through contact 6 and wiper 1 of S5-A
meter input.
to the meter input.
(3) Refer to step 2 in figure 2-11 and in the A12 test
(8) Refer to step 7 in figure 2-11 and in the A12 test
table. With S8 set to position 8, the +18-volt dc output of
table. With S8 set to position 11, the -6-volt dc output of
the card at J6-30 is connected through contact 9 and wiper
the card at J6-18 is connected through contact 12 and
1 of S8-L, and through contact 6 and wiper 1 of S5-A to
wiper 1 of S8-L, and through contact 6 and wiper 1 of S5-A
the meter input.
to the meter input.
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