![]() TM 5-4210-224-14&P
d. Have the assistant remove the glass and weather-strip
from outside the vehicle.
Before installing a rear window, the
clearance between the edge of the glass
and the flange of the opening should be
There should be 0.3 inch
(8mm) overlap between the flange and
the glass all the way around the edge of
the window. If the glass is too big,
rework the metal flange or grind off the
edge of the glass. If the glass is to be
ground off, place a strip of tape on the
glass and use the edge of the tape as a
If there is too much clearance between
the glass and the flange of the opening,
a. Place the weather-strip (1) around the edge of
the flange can be built up. Braze a piece
the glass to be installed.
of 1/8 inch (3mm) diameter wire to the
edge of the flange. Usually it is enough
b. Place a length of cord (2) about 1/4 inch (6mm)
to build up one side of the opening and
thick around the weather-strip. It should be in
half way around one corner. Taper off
the groove of the weather-strip where the flange
the ends of the wire to avoid an abrupt
of the opening will fit. The ends of the cord
change in contour. Too abrupt of a
should overlap about 6 inches (152mm) and be
change in contour could cause a broken
located at the bottom of the window.
window later.
Brush a soapy solution of water around the
To ease installation, the weather-strip
outside edge of the cab opening.
can be heated with a non-flame source.
At higher temperatures, the weather-strip
d. Have an assistant hold the glass and weather-
is more pliable. Do not heat above
strip, with the cord around it, up to the window
1250F (520C) and/or for longer than 1-
opening from the outside of the cab; the ends of
1/2 hours.
the cord should have been placed through the
opening and hang loosely inside the cab.
Avoid hitting the glass on anything that
may chip its edge. Pressure on the
window will tend to concentrate at the
chipped areas, causing cracks. If the
glass is chipped, the edge should be
ground smooth.
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