![]() TM 5-4210-224-14&P
This task covers:
a. Removal
b. Installation
General Safety Instructions
Razor Knife
CAUTION: Always wear heavy gloves
Putty Knife
when handling glass to minimize the
Brazing Torch
risk of injury.
Personnel Required
Window (363107)
If a window is broken, crisscross the glass
with strips of masking tape before
removing it; This will help hold the glass
together and minimize the risk of injury.
When replacing a cracked window, it is
important that the cause of the crack be
determined and the condition corrected,
before a new glass is installed. The
cause of the crack may be an obstruction
or high spot somewhere around the
flange of the opening; cracking may not
occur until pressure from the high spot or
obstruction becomes particularly high
due to winds, extremes of temperature,
a. Run a putty knife or other flat-bladed tool around
or rough terrain.
the edge of the window between the weather-
strip (1) and the cab panels, inside and outside
If a crack extends to the edge of the
the cab. This will make sure the weather-strip
glass, mark the point where the crack
is not stuck to the cab.
meets the weather-strip. (Use a piece of
chalk and mark the point on the cab, next
b. With an assistant outside the cab next to the
to the weather-strip).
Later, when
window, use the putty knife or other blunt tool to
examining the flange of the opening for a
force the edge of the weather-strip off the
cause of the crack, start at the point
flange of the opening inside the cab, pushing
outward on the glass.
c. Continue around the window, forcing the
weather-strip off the flange, until the glass and
the weather-strip are free of the opening.
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