![]() TM 9-4931-363-14&P
2-7. General.
assembly test table. The 28 volts is connected to helmet
sight lamp assembly DS1 as explained in step 1. When S11
The following reference materials are required to
is pressed, contacts 1 and 2 of S11 and wiper 1 and contact
support the helmet sight assembly test theory discussions:
2 of S4-B connect 28 volts dc to energize K2. As S11 is
a. Helmet sight assembly test table from TM
pressed, DS1 should go out as the ground at J1-4 is
removed. Note that when K2 is energized, a ground path is
provided to switch S1 in the helmet sight. Without a steel
b. Helmet sight assembly schematic diagram from TM
receptacle attached to the magnet, switch S1 in the helmet
sight should be open. If the switch is closed, the reticle will
remain on.
assembly test table. The 28 volts is connected to helmet
sight lamp assembly DS1 as explained in step 1. With the
helmet boresight tool connected to the receptacle magnet,
a. To prepare for the helmet sight assembly test
S1 in the helmet sight should be closed, causing the reticle
discussion, refer to the helmet sight assembly checkout
to light. The return path is from J4-4, through J4-6,
procedures in TM 9-1270-212-14&P and mentally perform
through S1, through J4-5, and through K2-1 and -2 to
steps a through f.
assembly test table. Wiper 1 and contact 2 of S4-A connect
assembly test table. When S10 is pressed, it applies 28 volts
28 volts dc through dropping resistor R13 and through J4-1
dc to J4-7 and a return at J4-8, which causes retract
to helmet sight lamp assembly DS1. The return is
solenoid L1 to energize.
connected through J4-4 and through K1-3 to ground.
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