![]() TM 9-4931-363-14&P
d. The LOD magnet attaches to the linkage arm
c. Two T-bars and T-1ocks secure the rail clamp base to
receptacle. The magnet has an adjustment device that aligns
the linkage rails and, therefore, the LOD to the linkage
the magnet face perpendicular to the centerline through the
assembly. The rail clamp base can be rotated in azimuth to
borescope angle bracket. The borescope angle bracket holds
the leveling base and has two locked positions in azimuth, a
the borescope device in position when sighting on the HSS
position which secures the rail clamp base parallel to the
leveling base (the 0-degree position) and a position in
which it is offset at a 5.5-degree angle. These positions are
defined by two lines, marked 0 and 5.5, on the rail clamp
base. The selected line is aligned with a notch on the swivel
The helmet boresight tool has three functions: (1) It
plate and the alignment pin is inserted through a hole in the
provides a means for testing the magnetically operated reed
rail clamp base and into either of two holes in the swivel
switch in the helmet receptacle; (2) it is used for aligning the
plate to hold the rail clamp base in the selected position.
helmet receptacle with the reticle line-of-sight, and (3) it is
The 5.5-degree position is only used for rail-alignment and
used to align the linkage orientation device. The boresight
boresigbting procedures for the pilot linkage in HSS XM136
tool consists of a tube with a small aperture in each end and a
when installed in an AH-1S helicopter. The 0-degree
magnetic connector attached to one end. The magnetic
position is used for all other rail-alignment and boresighting
connector mates with the helmet receptacle; consequently,
procedures. The elevation angle of the rail clamp base can
the line of sight through the tool is perpendicular to the
also be adjusted by the swivel frame and locked into
mating surface of the receptacle magnet.
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