![]() TM 55-1925-292-14&P
0002 00
18. 600 lb (272.2 kg) FM-200 Cylinders (figure 2, item 19). These cylinders store the FM-200 fire suppression
agent for the overhead system in the engine room and AMS 1.
19. Bilge Discharge Nozzles (figure 2, item 20). These bilge discharge nozzles deliver FM-200 agent to the
lower/bilge areas of the engine room.
20. Discharge Valve (figure 2, item 21). This discharge valve permits the discharge of FM-200 fire suppression
agent from the 200 lb (90.7 kg) cylinder.
21. 200 lb (90.7 kg) FM-200 Cylinder (figure 2, item 22). This cylinder stores the FM-200 fire suppression agent
for the bilge discharge system.
0002 00-10
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