3-10. General
e. Inspection and Repair. Inspect all parts for
The priming system consists of a rotary vacuum pump
wear, defects, and damage. Replace or repair worn,
operated by a 24-volt electric motor controlled through a
defective, or damaged parts as necessary.
priming pump valve mounted in the pump compartment,
f. Reassembly
Refer to figure 3-9 and
a microswitch mounted on the priming pump valve, and
reassemble the primer pump assembly in the reverse
a master control switch mounted on the pump control
panel. As the priming valve is actuated the microswitch
g. Installation. Install the primer pump assembly
starts the priming pump motor. The priming pump
(TM 5-4210-213-12).
motor drives the primer pump which sucks water into the
centrifugal type fire pump suction lines, priming the
3-12. Primer Valve
pump. After both the suction and discharge casings
a. General. The primer valve controls the primer
have been completely filled, water is then discharged
through the bottom of the primer pump, and the primer
pump must be manually shut off.
primer valve from the pump assembly.
3-11. Primer Pump Assembly
c. Disassembly.
Refer to figure 3-10 and
a. General. The primer pump primes the fire
disassemble the primer valve.
d. Cleaning. Clean all parts in an approved
b. Removal. Remove the primer pump assembly
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
(TM 5-4210-213-12).
e. Inspection and Repair. Inspect all parts for
c. Disassembly.
Refer to figure 3-9 and
wear, defects, and damage. Replace or repair worn,
disassemble the primer pump assembly.
defective, or damaged parts as necessary.
d. Cleaning. Clean all parts in an approved
f. Reassembly.
Refer to figure 3-10 and
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
reassemble the primer valve in reverse order.
g. Installation. Refer to figure 3-1 and install the
primer valve on the pump assembly.
3-14. Pump Gearbox
3-13. General
The fire pump assembly consists of a main pump,
drive unit and relief valve. The main pump includes the
impeller, main shaft, main bearings and head, suction
and discharge pipes, and volute case. The drive unit
b. Removal.
(1) Remove universal drive shaft (TM 5-
which is driven by the power takeoff unit on the truck
transmission. A series of vanes on the rapidly rotating
(2) Refer to figure 3-11 and remove the pump
impeller produce centrifugal force, which forces the
gearbox from the pump assembly.
water through the inside of the impeller, this increases
c. Disassembly.
Refer to figure 3-12 and
the pressure of the water and creates a vacuum which
disassemble the pump gearbox.
draws more water into the impeller. The relief valve
d. Cleaning. Clean all parts in an approved
bypasses water within the pump to prevent pressure rise
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
when the hose lines are shut off.
e. Inspection and Repair. Inspect all parts for
wear, defects, and damage. Replace or repair worn,
defective, or damaged parts as necessary.
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