![]() e. Inspection an Repair. Inspect piston before
placing in body. Inspect all parts for wear, defects, and
b. Removal. Remove the water tank drain valve
Replace or repair worn, defective, or
(TM 5-4210-213-12).
damaged parts as necessary.
c. Disassembly
Refer to figure 3-4 and
f. Reassembly.
Refer to figure 3-6 and
disassemble the water tank drain valve.
reassemble the relief valve control in the reverse order.
d. Cleaning. Clean all parts in an approved
g. Installation Install the relief valve control (TM
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
e. Inspection and Repa.r Inspect all parts for
wear, defects, and damage. Replace or repair worn,
3-8. Foam Tank Drain Valve and Foam Valve
defective, or damaged parts as necessary.
a. General. The foam tank drain valve provides a
f. Reassembly.
Refer to figure 3-4 and
method of draining the foam tank. The foam valve
reassemble water tank drain valve in the reverse order.
allows foam to flow from the tank to the fire pump.
g. Installation. Install the water tank drain valve
b. Removal. Refer to TM 5-4210-213-12 and
(TM 5-4210-213-12).
remove the foam tank drain valve and foam valve from
the pump assembly.
3-6. Drain Line Valve
c. Disassembly.
Refer to figure 3-7 and
a. General. The drain line valve provides a
disassemble the foam tank drain valve and foam valve.
method of draining the drain line.
d. Cleaning. Clean all parts in an approved
b. Removal. Remove the drain line valve (TM 5-
cleaning solvent, and dry thoroughly.
e. Inspection and Repa.r Inspect all parts for
c. Disassembly.
Refer to figure 3-5 and
wear, defects, and damage. Replace or repair worn,
disassemble the drain valve.
defective, or damaged parts as necessary.
d. Cleaning
Clean all parts in an approved
f. Reassembly
Refer to figure 3-7 and
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
reassemble the foam tank drain valve and foam valve in
e. Inspection and Repa.r Inspect all parts for
the reverse order.
wear, defects, and damage. Replace or repair worn,
g. Installation. Refer to TM 5-4210-213-12 and
defective, or damaged parts as necessary.
install the foam tank drain valve and foam valve on the
f. Reassembly.
Refer to figure 3-5 and
pump assembly.
reassemble the drain line valve in the reverse order.
g. Installation Install the drain line valve (TM 5-
3-9. Foam Metering Valve
a. General. The foam metering valve regulates
the flow of foam from the fire pump.
3-7. Relief Valve
a. General.
The relief valves regulate the
foam metering valve.
pressure in the system.
c. Disassembly.
Refer to figure 3-8 and
b. Removal. Remove the relief valve control (TM
disassemble the foam metering valve.
d. Cleaning. Clean all parts in an approved
c. Disassembly.
Refer to figure 3-6 and
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
disassemble the relief valve control.
e. Inspection and Repair. Inspect all parts for
d. Cleaning
Clean all parts in an approved
wear, defects, and damage. Replace or repair worn,
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
defective, or damaged parts as necessary.
Caution: Do not use abrasives.
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