![]() g. Casing Reassembly.
h. Circulating Air Blower Reassembly.
(1) Spread the casing (1); install the assembled
(1) Place the motor (47) within the motor clamp
combustion blower, burner, and combustion
assembly (51), allowing the front of the
chamber into the casing, passing the lead
motor to extend approximately 1/16-inch
wires from the preheater, ignition coil, and
beyond the clamp assembly.
Insert a
the combustion blower motor through the
screwdriver through the clamp shell to
Connect the lead from the
tighten the screw (46).
ignition coil to the terminal on the contact
(2) Place the fan (52) on the motor shaft and
plate (64).
adjust the mounting position to allow
(2) Install the exhaust tube seals (81) around
approximately ,/16-inch clearance between
the combustion air ports and fasten together
the fan and motor hub.
Tighten the
the edges of the casing with screws (24).
setscrew (45) to secure the fan to shaft.
Install the spark plug seal (8), spark plug
(3) Rotate the motor shaft to check for free
seal washer (7), and the spark plug
assembly (6) into the burner.
(4) Insert the circulating air blower assembly
(3) Position the heater mounting base assembly
(49) through air intake, first passing the lead
(80) at the bottom of the casing and fasten
wire through the grommet (23). Fasten the
with four screws (79).
assembly to the casing with three screws
198. Battery Box
Refer to TM 5-4210-205-12 for repair procedures.
199. Battery Compartment Shut-off Valve
a. Removal. Disconnect all liquid lines at the valve.
Remove the two U-bolts and the valve.
b. Installation. Install in reverse of removal.
200. Liquid Circulating Pump
a. Removal. Remove nipple (58, fig. 71.30) and
elbow (60) from the pump assembly. Remove coupling
from the pump shaft. Remove attaching parts and the
b. Installation. Install in reverse of removal.
201. Fuel Pump
a. Fuel Pump Test.
(1) With the fuel pump assembled, connect a
power supply of proper voltage to the fuel
pump, making sure to check for proper
polarity. Connect a fuel supply to the fuel
pump. Connect a liquid pressure gage to
the output port and operate the pump.
Figure 71.36. Battery compartment shut-off valve.
Observe the fuel discharge pressure. The
pump should discharge at 3 to 5 psig.
AGO 5667A
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