Table of DA Approved Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers for Army Users
On general purpose vehicles,
Extinguisher, Fire, Dry Chemical,
material handling equipment, con-
Potassium, Bicarbonate Base
struction equipment; in tents &
(purple K), 2 l/2 lb, Disposable,
bunkers where liquid fuel heaters
Sealed Pressure Type~. Fed. Spec.
are used; on food preparation equip-
A-A-393, TYPE III, Class 2, Size
ment in food processing areas.
2 I/2, with mounting bracket.
On food preparation equipment and
Extinguisher, Fire, Dry Chemical,
areas; in vehicles used for transport
Potassium Bicarbonate Base
ing five or more passengers, flamma-
(Purple K), 5 lb, Fed. Spec. A-A-
ble Class A or B explosives, or other
393, Type I, Class 2, Size 5, with
hazardous materials which -
mounting bracket. (C10-A-A-393)
the vehicle to be marked or placarded
in accordance with AR 55-355.
At fixed locations, for use in areas
Extinguisher, Fire, Dry, Chemical,
such as motor pools, POL facilities
Potassium Bicarbonate Base
and air fields.
(Purple K), 20 lb, carbon dioxide
gas cartridge operated. Fed. Spec,
A-A-393, Type II, Class 2, Size 20,
with bracket.
Extinguisher, Fire, Dry Chemical,
&my Nuclear handling operations.
Potassium Bicarbonate Base
(Purple K), 30 lb, carbon dioxide
gas cartridge operated. Fed. Spec.
A-A-393, Type II, Class 2, Size 30.
Extinguisher, Fire, Dry Chemical,
Army Nuclear handling
Ammonium Phosphate Base, 20 lb,
stored pressure type, Fed. Spec.
A-A-393C, Type I, Class 1, Size 20,
with wall mounting bracket.
Extinguisher, Fire, Dry Chemical, 4A,40 to 80B:C
Vehicles that transport five or more
passengers, flammable or explosive
ABC rated 10 lb pressured or
cartridge operated.
_ and any other placard vehicles.
AU motor pools and POL facilities or
POL tank vehicles.
Small marine vessels and amphibious
equipment, precision type equip-
ment, electronic equipment, photo
mapping and reproduction equipment,
telephone, radio, radar, electric gen-
erators, railway guard cars and
lubricated surface where a residual
powder is undesirable.
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