TB 5-4200-200-10
only fire extinguishers containing bromochlorodifluoro-
Example: B:C.
methane, monobromotiuoromethane, carbon dioxide
b. The number rating of hand-portable fire extin-
or dry chemical can be used safely on Class C fires.
guishers is based on the following:
(1) Class A fires.Extinguishersrated andclas-
sified l-A,2-A, 3-A and 4-A must be capable of consis-
tently extinguishing vertical wood panel fires having an
area of 8X8', 10X10', 12X12', and 14X14', respectfully.
Water or water-mixture type extin-
(2) Class B fires. Extinguishers a t e d a n d c l a s s
guishing agent must not be used
fied l-B, 2-B, 5-B, 10-B, etc., is an approximate indica-
under any circumstances on ener-
tion of the area in square feet of flammable liquid fire
gized electrical equipment (Class C)
(gasoline) which can be extinguisher by an average
fires. Whenever possible, electrical
operator, i.e., a 5-B rating extinguisher has an extin-
equipment and circuits should be
guishing potential of 5 square feet of liquid surface fire
deenergized before attacking Class
c fire.
(3) Class C fires . No numeral rating is used, as
only the electrical nonconducting characteristics of the
existinguishing agent are significant, and no effort is
made to indicate the amount of electrical fire or which an
Due to its corrosive nature, dry
extinguisher is suitable
chemical is not recommended for
(4) Class D fires. No numeral rating is used as
use on computerized, electronic or
these extinguishers are rated for the amount of extin-
other equipment with extensive cir-
guishing agent needed to control a particular quantity
and type of combustible metal fires. This information is
detailed on the extingusher nameplate.
6. Usage of Fire Extinguishers.
Class D fires require Special fire extinguishers for spe-
a. Many fires are small at origin and maybe extin-
guished by the use of proper hand-portable fire extin-
cific combustible metal hazards; therefore, extinguish-
ers for Class D fires are not listed in the table.
guishers. It is strongly recommended that the* de-
partment be notified as soon as fire is discovered. This
d. Class B fire extinguishers in the supply system
having discontinued numeral ratings of 4-B, 6-B, 8-B,
alarm should not be delayed awaiting result of applica-
12-B, or l&B will remain in use until the extinguisher
tion of portable fire extinguishers.
becomes unserviceable and replacement is required.
b. Fire extinguishers can represent an important
6. Servicing Fire Extinguishers.
segment of any overall fire protection program. How-
a.Refillingextinguishers , especially pressurized
ever, their successful functioning depends upon the
types, will be done by personnel with knowledge of and
followin g conditions having been met:
(1) The extinguisher is p
roperly located and in
training in this function.It is not only considered hazard-
ous but id highly dangerous for personnel to service fire
working order.
extinguishers When they are unfamiliar with capacities,
(2)The extinguisher is of proper type and for a fire extinguisher
pressure limitations, and technical inspection and test
which may occur.
(3) The fire is discovered while still small enough
ing pocedures governing replacement cylinders. AR
for the extinguisher to be effective.
700-68 provides general guidance on inspection, testing,
and refilling compressed gas cylinders, which includes
(4)Thefireis discovered by a person ready,willing,
and able to use the extinguisher.
fire extinguishers Generally, refilling pressurized types
c. Class A fires can be readily extinguished by
cylinders can be done at instllation level by FireDepart
ment personnel with refillingm agents supplied through
quenching-cooling with water or a water- "xture agent.
Class B fires are more effectively extinguished by an
Iocal procurement.
agent that blankets-smothers the fire through exclu-
b.. Monobromotrifluoromethane fire extingushers,
sion of oxygen surrounding the fire area. Of those
NSN 4210-00-555-8837, will not be refilled under any
listed in the table, fire extinguishers containing
conditions, but will be serviced byd"scarding the empty
bromochlorodifluoromethane, monobromotrifluoro-
cylinder and replacing with charged cylinder requisi-
methane, carbon dioxide or drychemical are generally
tioned under NSN 4210-00-708-0031. The empty cylin-
best suited for extinguishing Class B fires. For Class C
ders are "throw away~items for which recharging is not
fires, the primary consideration in extinguishing this
considerede conomical or practical; therefore, the empty
type of fire is the selection of non-conductive extin-
cylinders will be reclassified as unserviceable.
guishing agent to prevent dangerous electrical shock
C. Dry chemical fire extinguisher, NSN 4210-00-
and possible death to user, Of these listed in the table,
775-0127, will be discarded when unserviceable.
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