![]() SB 740-95-700
d. Manufacturer's lot. A manufacturer's lot
performed in accordance with this paragraph and the
instructions provided in the applicable appendixes of this
consists of those item manufactured or assembled by
The sampling instructions that follow are
one manufacturer or reconditioning activity that bear the
designed to fit the peculiarities of this group if items. In
same manufacturer's or reconditioning agency's lot
some instances, special sampling designed for an item
identification number. The manufacturer's lot must meet
within a group may be required. This may required by
criteria as follows:
(1) Preservation, unit packing, packing,
the configuration, short shelf-life, or past quality history of
the item.
and marking. All items must have the same type
a. Initial Receipt Inspection (IRI). Sampling
preservation, unit packing, packing and marking.
shall be conducted in accordance with this paragraph
(2) Storage. All items must be stored
and MIL-STD-105, General Inspection Level II, and AQL
under similar conditions at the same depot.
of 4.0 percent for Major Defectives, and an AQL of 6.5
(3) Serviceability status. All items must
percent for Minor Defectives.
possess the same serviceability status, i.e., serviceability
b. Prestorage Inspection (PSI).
known (based upon prior surveillance) or serviceability
shall be conducted by this paragraph when the
unknown. However, when new procurement is involved,
serviceability is known, using MIL-STD-105, General
base serviceability on acceptance inspection not on
Inspection Level II, and AQL of 4.0 percent for Major
Defectives, and an AQL of 6.5 percent for Minor
e. Miscellaneous lot. A miscellaneous lot is
Defectives. When the serviceability is unknown 100
formed by combining a single manufacturer's small lots
percent inspection shall be performed.
or lot fragments into one lot. The size of miscellaneous
c. Cyclical Inspection (CI). Sampling shall be
lots is restricted by the applicable appendix of this
conducted by this paragraph and MIL-STD-105 using the
bulletin. Actual formation of the lot is a paper transaction,
Inspection Level and AQL specified in appendix A or the
regrouping and marking of the material is not required. A
sampling instructions provided in the applicable appendix
miscellaneous lot may be declared unserviceable as a
(TRC) of this bulletin for the item being sampled. In
whole. The miscellaneous lot must meet criteria as
some instances, special sampling designed for an item
within a group may be required. This may be required
(1) Kind, type, and model. All items must
due to the configuration, short shelf line, or past quality
be of the same kind, type and model.
history of the item.
(2) Manufacturer. Each small lot or lot
d. Pre-Issues Inspection (PII). Sampling, if
fragment must be the product of the same manufacturer
required, (see para 2-5d(2)), shall be conducted by para
or reconditioning agency.
c above.
(3) Preservation, unit packing, packing
e. Selection of samples.
and marking.
All items must have the same
(1) All portions of the lot must be located
for sampling.
unit packing, packing and marking.
(2) Every reasonable effort must be made
(4) Storage. All items must be stored
to obtain a random sample. If each position or location
under similar conditions at the same depot.
in a container, pallet, stack, or warehouse is assigned its
(5) Serviceability status. All items must
own unique number, a table or random numbers, such
possess the same serviceability status, i.e., serviceability
as that in the Department of Defense Handbook H53, or
known (based upon prior surveillance) or serviceability
an equivalent, can be used to select the sample units to
unknown. However, when new procurement is involved,
be inspected. When conditions make a proper random
base serviceability on acceptance inspection not on
sampling impossible, record this fact and a brief
description of the condition that prevents random
Mixed lot.
A mixed lot is formed by
sampling under the remarks section Part I, Block 20, of
combining those items with incomplete identification into
the DA Form 984, Munitions Surveillance Re- port. See
one lot. The size of the mixed lot is restricted by the
applicable appendix of this bulletin. Actual formation of
(3) In selecting samples from depot lots,
the lot is a paper transaction, regrouping and marking of
grand lots, or miscellaneous lots, choose the items to
the materiel is not required. A mixed lot may be declared
represent all material. For example, if a manufacturer's
unserviceable as a whole. A mixed lot must meet criteria
lot is one-third of the total lot, then select one-third of the
as follows:
lot sample at random from manufacturer's lot.
(1) Kind, type, and model. All items must
Sample Disposition.
be of the same kind, type, and model.
(1) In the inspection records, identify as
(2) Preservation, unit packing, packing,
and marking. All items must have the same type
preservation, unit packing, packing and marking.
(3) Storage. All items must be stored
under similar conditions at the same depot.
Sampling. Sampling for subject items shall be
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