![]() TM 9-4931-363-14&P
preparation time, fault isolation/diagnostic time, and
c. Column 3. Maintenance Functions. Column 3, lists
quality assurance/quality control time in addition to the
the twelve maintenance functions defined in C-2 above.
time required to perform specific maintenance functions
Each maintenance function required for an item shall be
identified for the tasks authorized in the maintenance
specified by the symbol among those listed in d b e l o w
allocation chart. This time may be the established time
which indicates the level responsible for the required
s t a n d a r d developed through maintenance engineering
maintenance. Under this symbol there shall be listed an
analysis, or can be derived from the calculation of a
appropriate work measurement time value determined as
s t a t i s t i c a l l y weighted time estimate incorporating the
indicated in e below.
o p t i m i s t i c (a), most likely (m), and pessimistic (b)
estimated for the work to be accomplished using the
d. Use of Symbols. The following symbols will be used:
Direct support (intermediate)
General support
This time will be expressed in man-hours and carried to one
decimal place (tenths of hours).
e. Work Measurement Time. The active repair time
required to perform the maintenance function will be
included directly below the symbol identifying the category
f. Column 4. Tools and Equipment. This column will
of maintenance. The manpower figures will be developed
be used to specify, by code, those tools and test equipment
under conditions (real or simulated) corresponding to those
required to perform the designated function. A table of
that would be considered normal for TOE units operating
tool, test, and support equipment required by the level to
in the field. The skill levels used to obtain the measurement
perform the maintenance functions is contained in section
times will approximate those found in typical TOE units.
Active repair time specified is the average aggregate time to
r e s t o r e an item (subassembly, assembly, component,
g. Column 5. Remarks. A table of remarks is contained
module, end item, or system) to a serviceable condition
under typical field operating conditions. This time includes
in section IV.
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