CURB SIDE PUMP DISCHARGE MANIFOLDCURB SIDE PUMP DISCHARGE MANIFOLD - ContinuedCURB SIDE PUMP DISCHARGE MANIFOLD - ContinuedSTREET SIDE PUMP DISCHARGE MANIFOLDSTREET SIDE PUMP DISCHARGE MANIFOLD - ContinuedSTREET SIDE PUMP SUCTION MANIFOLDSTREET SIDE PUMP SUCTION MANIFOLD - ContinuedCURB SIDE PUMP SUCTION MANIFOLDFIRE PUMPFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedFIRE PUMP - ContinuedCAB MOUNTING BRACKETSCAB MOUNTING BRACKETS - ContinuedCAB MOUNTING BRACKETS - ContinuedCAB MOUNTING BRACKETS - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCKCYLINDER BLOCK - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK- ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK- ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK- ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK FRONT END PLATECYLINDER BLOCK FRONT END PLATE - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK FRONT END PLATE - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK REAR END PLATECYLINDER BLOCK REAR END PLATE - ContinuedCYLINDER BLOCK REAR END PLATE - ContinuedAIR BOX COVERSAIR BOX COVERS - ContinuedAIR BOX DRAINSAIR BOX DRAINS - ContinuedAIR BOX DRAINS - ContinuedCYLINDER HEAD REMOVAL/INSTALLATIONCYLINDER HEAD REMOVAL/INSTALLATION - ContinuedCYLINDER HEAD REMOVAL/INSTALLATION - 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ContinuedSECOND CLUTCH AND CENTER SUPPORT HOUSING - ContinuedSECOND CLUTCH AND CENTER SUPPORT HOUSING - ContinuedSECOND CLUTCH AND CENTER SUPPORT HOUSING - ContinuedCONTROL VALVE BODYCONTROL VALVE BODY - ContinuedCONTROL VALVE BODY - ContinuedCONTROL VALVE BODY - ContinuedCONTROL VALVE BODY - ContinuedCONTROL VALVE BODY - ContinuedCONTROL VALVE BODY - ContinuedCONTROL VALVE BODY - ContinuedCONTROL VALVE BODY - ContinuedTable a. Spring Load-Length SpecificationsCONTROL VALVE BODY - ContinuedCONTROL VALVE BODY - ContinuedCONTROL VALVE BODY - ContinuedCONTROL VALVE BODY - ContinuedCONTROL VALVE BODY - ContinuedCONTROL VALVE BODY - ContinuedCONTROL VALVE BODY - ContinuedCONTROL VALVE BODY - ContinuedMODULATOR VALVELOCKUP CUTOFF VALVE BODYLOCKUP CUTOFF VALVE BODY - ContinuedLOCKUP CUTOFF VALVE BODY - ContinuedPRIMING TANKAIR COMPRESSOR - ContinuedAIR COMPRESSOR - ContinuedAIR COMPRESSOR - ContinuedAIR COMPRESSOR - ContinuedAIR COMPRESSOR - ContinuedAIR COMPRESSOR - ContinuedAIR COMPRESSOR - ContinuedAIR COMPRESSOR - ContinuedAIR COMPRESSOR - ContinuedAIR COMPRESSOR - ContinuedAIR COMPRESSOR - ContinuedAIR COMPRESSOR - ContinuedAIR COMPRESSOR - ContinuedAIR COMPRESSOR - ContinuedRADIATORBRAKE DRUMSBRAKE DRUMS-ContinuedENGINE FUEL SYSTEMENGINE FUEL SYSTEM - ContinuedENGINE FUEL SYSTEM - ContinuedPOWER TAKE-OFF UNITPOWER TAKE-OFF UNIT - ContinuedPOWER TAKE-OFF UNIT - ContinuedPOWER TAKE-OFF UNIT - ContinuedPOWER TAKE-OFF UNIT - ContinuedPOWER TAKE-OFF UNIT - ContinuedPOWER TAKE-OFF UNIT - ContinuedHOIST CYLINDERSHOIST CYLINDERS - ContinuedHOIST CYLINDERS - ContinuedHOIST MANIFOLD BLOCKHOIST MANIFOLD BLOCK - ContinuedHOIST MANIFOLD BLOCK - ContinuedHOIST MANIFOLD BLOCK - ContinuedPLANETARY SPEED REDUCERPLANETARY SPEED REDUCER - ContinuedPLANETARY SPEED REDUCER - ContinuedPLANETARY SPEED REDUCER - ContinuedPLANETARY SPEED REDUCER - ContinuedPLANETARY SPEED REDUCER - ContinuedPLANETARY SPEED REDUCER - ContinuedPLANETARY SPEED REDUCER - ContinuedSWING BRAKESWING BRAKE - ContinuedSWING BRAKE - ContinuedSWING CROSSOVER RELIEF VALVE MANIFOLD BLOCKSWING CROSSOVER RELIEF VALVE MANIFOLD BLOCK - ContinuedSWING CROSSOVER RELIEF VALVE MANIFOLD BLOCK - ContinuedSWING CROSSOVER RELIEF VALVE MANIFOLD BLOCK - ContinuedMAIN HYDRAULIC PUMPMAIN HYDRAULIC PUMP - ContinuedMAIN HYDRAULIC PUMP - ContinuedMAIN HYDRAULIC PUMP - ContinuedMAIN HYDRAULIC PUMP - ContinuedMAIN HYDRAULIC PUMP - ContinuedMAIN HYDRAULIC PUMP - ContinuedMAIN HYDRAULIC PUMP - ContinuedMAIN HYDRAULIC PUMP - ContinuedSWING MOTORSWING MOTOR - ContinuedSWING MOTOR - ContinuedFRONT OR REAR EXTENSION/RETRACTION CYLINDERSFRONT OR REAR EXTENSION/RETRACTION CYLINDERS - ContinuedFRONT OR REAR EXTENSION/RETRACTION CYLINDERS - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLYLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedLADDER ASSEMBLY - ContinuedSWIVELSWIVEL - ContinuedAPPENDIX A. REFERENCESAPPENDIX B. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTMAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS - ContinuedEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS, SECTION IIISECTION II MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedSection III. TOOLSSection III. TOOLS - ContinuedSection III. TOOLS - ContinuedSection III. TOOLS - ContinuedSection III. TOOLS - ContinuedSection IV. REMARKSAPPENDIX C. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTSection II. Components of End ItemSection II. Components of End Item - ContinuedSection II. Components of End Item - ContinuedADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LISTEXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTSection II. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTSection II. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST - ContinuedSection II. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST - ContinuedILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWNILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN - ContinuedILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWNILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN - ContinuedILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN - ContinuedILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN - ContinuedILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN - ContinuedILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN - ContinuedFigure F-1. AccessoriesFigure F-1. Accessories - ContinuedFigure F-2. Compartment Lights and Step LightsFigure F-2. Compartment Lights and Step Lights - ContinuedFigure F-3. Small Hose Bin Dividers, Hose Bin Rollers and Hose Bed FloorFigure F-3. Small Hose Bin Dividers, Hose Bin Rollers and Hose Bed Floor - ContinuedFigure F-4 Pump Compartment Gauge Panel (Sheet 1 ot 2)Figure F-4 Pump Compartment Gauge Panel - ContinuedFigure F-4. Pump Compartment Gauge Panel (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure F-4. Pump Compartment Gauge Panel - ContinuedF-5. Street Side PanelF-5. Street Side Panel - ContinuedF-5. Street Side Panel - ContinuedFigure F-6. Gauge Panel EnclosureFigure F-6. Gauge Panel Enclosure - ContinuedFigure F-7. Curb Side PanelFigure F-7. Curb Side Panel - ContinuedFigure F-8. Running Boards and Pullout TreadplateFigure F-8. Running Boards and Pullout Treadplate - ContinuedFigure F-9. Propeller Shaft AssembliesFigure F-9. Propeller Shaft Assemblies - ContinuedFigure F-10. Crosslay Valve and Piping (No. 1)Figure F-10. Crosslay Valve and Piping (No. 1) - ContinuedFigure F-11. Crosslay Valve and Piping (No. 2)Figure F-11. Crosslay Valve and Piping (No. 2) - ContinuedFigure F-12. Ball Valve, 2"Figure F-12. Ball Valve, 2" - ContinuedFigure F-13. No. 1, 2, 3, and 4 Side Discharge Valves and PipingFigure F-13. No. 1, 2, 3, and 4 Side Discharge Valves and Piping - ContinuedFigure F-14. R.H. Side Discharge Valve (2-1/2")Figure F-14. R.H. Side Discharge Valve (2-1/2") - ContinuedFigure F-15. L.H. Side Discharge Valve (2-1/2")Figure F-15. L.H. Side Discharge Valve (2-1/2") - ContinuedFigure F-16. Front Suction PipingFigure F-16. Front Suction Piping - ContinuedFigure F-17. Front Suction Butterfly ValveFigure F-17. Front Suction Butterfly Valve - ContinuedFigure F-18. Drain Valves (3/4")Figure F-18. Drain Valves (3/4") - ContinuedFigure F-1 9. Tank to Pump Valve and PipingFigure F-1 9. Tank to Pump Valve and Piping - ContinuedFigure F-20. Ball Valve (3")Figure F-20. Ball Valve (3") - ContinuedFigure F-21. Aerial Water Valve Pneumatic ActuatorFigure F-21. Aerial Water Valve Pneumatic Actuator - ContinuedFigure F-22. Ball Valve (1")Figure F-22. Ball Valve (1") - ContinuedFigure F-24. Aerial Discharge Valve AssemblyFigure F-24. Aerial Discharge Valve Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-25. Air Operated ValveFigure F-25. Air Operated Valve - ContinuedFigure F-26. Driver's Side Auxiliary Suction Valve AssembliesFigure F-26. Driver's Side Auxiliary Suction Valve Assemblies - ContinuedFigure F-27. Ball Valve, 2-1/2"Figure F-27. Ball Valve, 2-1/2" - ContinuedFigure F-28. Foam SystemFigure F-28. Foam System - ContinuedFigure F-28. Foam System - ContinuedFigure F-29. Ball Valve, 1-1/2"Figure F-29. Ball Valve, 1-1/2" - ContinuedFigure F-30. Fire Pump Assembly And MountingFigure F-30. Fire Pump Assembly And Mounting - ContinuedFigure F-31. Water Pump Body Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure F-31. Water Pump Body Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-31. Water Pump Body Assembly (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure F-31. Water Pump Body Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-32. Water Pump Transmission Assembly (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure F-32. Water Pump Transmission Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-32. Water Pump Transmission Assembly (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure F-32. Water Pump Transmission Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-32. Water Pump Transmission Assembly (Sheet 3 of 3)Figure F-32. Water Pump Transmission Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-33. Water Pump Transmission Shift AssemblyFigure F-33. Water Pump Transmission Shift Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-34. Water Pump Priming Pump and MotorFigure F-34. Water Pump Priming Pump and Motor - ContinuedFigure F-35. Priming Valve and Piping AssemblyFigure F-35. Priming Valve and Piping Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-36. Pilot and Relief Valves (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure F-36. Pilot and Relief Valves - ContinuedFigure F-36. Pilot and Relief Valves (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure F-36. Pilot and Relief Valves - ContinuedFigure F-36. Pilot and Relief Valves (Sheet 3 of 3)Figure F-36. Pilot and Relief Valves - ContinuedFigure F-37. Water Pump Drain Valve AssemblyFigure F-37. Water Pump Drain Valve Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-38. Water Pump Impeller Shaft AssemblyFigure F-38. Water Pump Impeller Shaft Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-39. Engine Cooler and Fire Pump Control ConnectionsFigure F-39. Engine Cooler and Fire Pump Control Connections - ContinuedFigure F-40. Priming Pump Oil Tank AssemblyFigure F-40. Priming Pump Oil Tank Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-41. Upper and Lower Compartment Doors (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure F-41. Upper and Lower Compartment Doors - ContinuedFigure F-41. Upper and Lower Compartment Doors (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure F-41. Upper and Lower Compartment Doors - ContinuedFigure F-42. Rear Roll-Up Door and Ladder RetainerFigure F-42. Rear Roll-Up Door and Ladder Retainer - ContinuedFigure F-43. Inverted Slide-Out Tray and Air Bottle RackFigure F-43. Inverted Slide-Out Tray and Air Bottle Rack - ContinuedFigure F-44. Water Tank AssemblyFigure F-44. Water Tank Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-45. Cab Components - Roof, Sheet 1 of 2Figure F-45. Cab Components - Roof - ContinuedFigure F-45. Cab Components - Roof, Sheet 2 of 2Figure F-45. Cab Components - Roof - ContinuedFigure F-45. Cab Components - Roof - ContinuedFigure F-46. Cab Spot Light AssemblyFigure F-46. Cab Spot Light Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-47. Red Rotating Beacon LightFigure F-47. Red Rotating Beacon Light - ContinuedFigure F-48. Cab Components - Front View, Sheet 1 of 3Figure F-48. Cab Components - Front View, - ContinuedFigure F-48. Cab Components - Front View, Sheet 2 of 3Figure F-48. Cab Components - Front View - ContinuedFigure F-48. Cab Components - Front View - ContinuedFigure F-48. Cab Components - Front View, Sheet 3 of 3Figure F-48. Cab Components - Front View - ContinuedFigure F-49. SirenFigure F-49. Siren - ContinuedFigure F-50. Crossfire Light, Sheet 1 of 2Figure F-50. Crossfire Light - ContinuedFigure F-50. Crossfire Light, Sheet 2 of 2Figure F-50. Crossfire Light - ContinuedFigure F-51. PA System and SpeakerFigure F-51. PA System and Speaker - ContinuedFigure F-52. Cab Door AssembliesFigure F-52. Cab Door Assemblies - ContinuedFigure F-52. Cab Door Assemblies - ContinuedFigure F-53. Cab Door Liner AssemblyFigure F-53. Cab Door Liner Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-54. Canopy Door AssembliesFigure F-54. Canopy Door Assemblies - ContinuedFigure F-54. Canopy Door Assemblies - ContinuedFigure F-55. Canopy Door Liner AssembliesFigure F-55. Canopy Door Liner Assemblies - ContinuedFigure F-56. Cab Components - Interior, Sheet 1 of 3Figure F-56. Cab Components - Interior - ContinuedFigure F-56. Cab Components - Interior, Sheet 2 of 3Figure F-56. Cab Components - Interior - ContinuedFigure F-56. Cab Components - Interior, Sheet 3 of 3Figure F-56. Cab Components - Interior - ContinuedFigure F-57. Cab Instrument Panel, Sheet 1 of 6Figure F-57. Cab Instrument Panel - ContinuedFigure F-57. Cab Instrument Panel, Sheet 2 of 6Figure F-57. Cab Instrument Panel - ContinuedFigure F-57. Cab Instrument Panel, Sheet 3 of 6Figure F-57. Cab Instrument Panel - ContinuedFigure F-57. Cab Instrument Panel - ContinuedFigure F-57. Cab Instrument Panel, Sheet 4 of 6Figure F-57. Cab Instrument Panel - ContinuedFigure F-57. Cab Instrument Panel, Sheet 5 of 6Figure F-57. Cab Instrument Panel - ContinuedFigure F-57, Sheet 6 of 6, can be found at the rear of this manual as page FO-2.Figure F-57, Sheet 6 of 6, can be found at the rear of this manual as page FO-2. - ContinuedF-58. Transmission Shift ControlF-58. Transmission Shift Control - ContinuedF-58. Transmission Shift Control - ContinuedFigure F-59. Cab Heater/Defroster InstallationFigure F-59. Cab Heater/Defroster Installation - ContinuedFigure F-60. Heater/Defroster AssemblyFigure F-60. Heater/Defroster Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-61. Driver's Seat InstallationFigure F-61. Driver's Seat Installation - ContinuedFigure F-62. Seat (Bostrom Air 705E Morbern), Sheet 1 of 2Figure F-62. Seat (Bostrom Air 705E Morbern) - ContinuedFigure F-62. Seat (Bostrom Air 705E Morbern), Sheet 2 of 2Figure F-62. Seat (Bostrom Air 705E Morbern) - ContinuedFigure F-63. Passenger SeatFigure F-63. Passenger Seat - ContinuedFigure F-64. Stationary Jump SeatFigure F-64. Stationary Jump Seat - ContinuedFigure F-65. Fold-Down Jump SeatFigure F-65. Fold-Down Jump Seat - ContinuedFigure F-66. Windshield Wiper & Washer AssemblyFigure F-66. Windshield Wiper & Washer Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-67. Cab and Mounting BracketsFigure F-67. Cab and Mounting Brackets - ContinuedFigure F-68. Batteries, Battery Isolator, and Battery Charge ReceptacleFigure F-68. Batteries, Battery Isolator, and Battery Charge Receptacle - ContinuedFigure F-69. Battery BoxesFigure F-69. Battery Boxes - ContinuedFigure F-70. 110 VAC Load CenterFigure F-70. 110 VAC Load Center - ContinuedFigure F-71. Load Receptacles & MetersFigure F-71. Load Receptacles & Meters - ContinuedFigure F-72. Portable Work LightsFigure F-72. Portable Work Lights - ContinuedFigure F-73. Engine EnclosureFigure F-73. Engine Enclosure - ContinuedFigure F-73. Engine Enclosure - ContinuedFigure F-74. Engine Installation, Sheet 1 of 3Figure F-74. Engine Installation - ContinuedFigure F-74. Engine Installation, Sheet 2 of 3Figure F-74. Engine Installation - ContinuedFigure F-74. Engine Installation, Sheet 3 of 3Figure F-74. Engine Installation - ContinuedFigure F-75. Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit and Hour Meter Pressure Switch AssemblyFigure F-75. Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit and Hour Meter Pressure Switch Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-76. Engine MountingFigure F-76. Engine Mounting - ContinuedFigure F-77. Engine Lifting BracketsFigure F-77. Engine Lifting Brackets - ContinuedFigure F-78. Engine Starter MountingFigure F-78. Engine Starter Mounting - ContinuedFigure F-79. Engine Starter, Sheet 1 of 2Figure F-79. Engine Starter - ContinuedFigure F-79. Engine Starter, Sheet 2 of 2Figure F-79. Engine Starter - ContinuedFigure F-80. Air Cleaner AssemblyFigure F-80. Air Cleaner Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-81. Oil FilterFigure F-81. Oil Filter - ContinuedFigure F-82. Oil CoolerFigure F-82. Oil Cooler - ContinuedFigure F-83. Fuel Filters and HosesFigure F-83. Fuel Filters and Hoses - ContinuedFigure F-84. Fuel PumpFigure F-84. Fuel Pump - ContiunedFigure F-85. Engine Fuel System, Sheet 1 of 2Figure F-85. Engine Fuel System - ContinuedFigure F-85. Engine Fuel System, Sheet 2 of 2Figure F-85. Engine Fuel System - ContinuedFigure F-86. Cooling Fan and HubFigure F-86. Cooling Fan and Hub - ContinuedFigure F-87. Air Compressor and MountingFigure F-87. Air Compressor and Mounting - ContinuedFigure F-88. Compressor Air Pressure SensorFigure F-88. Compressor Air Pressure Sensor - ContinuedFigure F-89. AlternatorFigure F-89. Alternator - ContinuedFigure F-90. Alternator MountingFigure F-90. Alternator Mounting - ContinuedFigure F-91. Alternator DriveFigure F-91. Alternator Drive - ContinuedFigure F-92. Starting AidFigure F-92. Starting Aid - ContinuedFigure F-93. Turbocharger MountingFigure F-93. Turbocharger Mounting - ContinuedFigure F-94. TurbochargerFigure F-94. Turbocharger - ContinuedFigure F-95. Blower Assembly, Sheet 1 of 2Figure F-95. Blower Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-95. Blower Assembly, Sheet 2 of 2Figure F-95. Blower Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-96. Blower Bypass ValveFigure F-96. Blower Bypass Valve - ContinuedFigure F-97. Exhaust ManifoldFigure F-97. Exhaust Manifold - ContinuedFigure F-98. Thermostats and HousingsFigure F-98. Thermostats and Housings - ContinuedFigure F-99. Water Pump AssemblyFigure F-99. Water Pump Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-100. Cylinder Block Assembly, Sheet 1 of 3Figure F-100. Cylinder Block Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-100. Cylinder Block Assembly, Sheet 2 of 3Figure F-100. Cylinder Block Assembly, Sheet 3 of 3Figure F-101. Cylinder Block End PlatesFigure F-101. Cylinder Block End Plates - ContinuedFigure F-102. Air Box Covers and DrainsFigure F-102. Air Box Covers and Drains - ContinuedFigure F-103. Cylinder HeadFigure F-103. Cylinder Head - ContinuedFigure F-104. Rocker Arm CoverFigure F-104. Rocker Arm Cover - ContinuedFigure F-105. Valves, Rocker Arms and Cam FollowersFigure F-105. Valves, Rocker Arms and Cam Followers - ContinuedFigure F-106. CamshaftsFigure F-106. Camshafts - ContinuedFigure F-107. CrankshaftFigure F-107. Crankshaft - ContinuedFigure F-108. Vibration Damper and Front Balance CoverFigure F-108. Vibration Damper and Front Balance Cover - ContinuedFigure F-109. Balance Weight CoverFigure F-109. Balance Weight Cover - ContinuedFigure F-110. Crankshaft Cover, Trunnion and Oil SealFigure F-110. Crankshaft Cover, Trunnion and Oil Seal - ContinuedFigure F-111. Piston and Connecting RodFigure F-111. Piston and Connecting Rod - ContinuedFigure F-112. Flexplate and Flywheel Housing AssemblyFigure F-112. Flexplate and Flywheel Housing Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-113. Idler GearFigure F-113. Idler Gear - ContinuedFigure F-114. Breather Tubes and HosesFigure F-114. Breather Tubes and Hoses - ContinuedFigure F-115. Oil PanFigure F-115. Oil Pan - ContinuedFigure F-116. Oil DipstickFigure F-116. Oil Dipstick - ContinuedFigure F-117. Oil Pump AssemblyFigure F-117. Oil Pump Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-118. Oil Pump IntakeFigure F-118. Oil Pump Intake - ContinuedFigure F-119. Oil Pressure Regulator and Relief ValvesFigure F-119. Oil Pressure Regulator and Relief Valves - ContinuedFigure F-120. Blower DriveFigure F-120. Blower Drive - ContinuedFigure F-121. Accessory DriveFigure F-121. Accessory Drive - ContinuedFigure F-122. Water Pump DriveFigure F-122. Water Pump Drive - ContinuedFigure F-123. Jake BrakeFigure F-123. Jake Brake - ContinuedFigure F-124. Jake Brake Buffer SwitchFigure F-124. Jake Brake Buffer Switch - ContinuedFigure F-125. Electronic SensorsFigure F-125. Electronic Sensors - ContinuedFigure F-126. Electronic Control SensorsFigure F-126. Electronic Control Sensors - ContinuedFigure F-127. Electronic Control Wiring Harness, Sheet 1 of 2Figure F-127. Electronic Control Wiring Harness, Sheet 2 of 2Figure F-127. Electronic Control Wiring Harness - ContinuedFigure F-128. Electronic Injector ControlsFigure F-128. Electronic Injector Controls - ContinuedFigure F-129. Fuel InjectorFigure F-129. Fuel Injector - ContinuedFigure F-130. Injector Fuel ConnectionsFigure F-130. Injector Fuel Connections - ContinuedFigure F-131. Transmission Installation - ContinuedFigure F-131. Transmission Installation - ContinuedFigure F-131. Transmission Installation, Sheet 2 of 3Figure F-131. Transmission Installation - ContinuedFigure F-131. Transmission Installation, Sheet 3 of 3Figure F-131. Transmission Installation - ContinuedFigure F-132. Torque ConverterFigure F-132. Torque Converter - ContinuedFigure F-133. Transmission Housing, Oil Filter and Oil PanFigure F-133. Transmission Housing, Oil Filter and Oil Pan - ContinuedFigure F-134. Front Support AssemblyFigure F-134. Front Support Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-135. Input Shaft and Forward ClutchFigure F-135. Input Shaft and Forward Clutch - ContinuedFigure F-136. Gear Unit and Main Shaft AssemblyFigure F-136. Gear Unit and Main Shaft Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-137. Rear Cover AssemblyFigure F-137. Rear Cover Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-138. First and Reverse ClutchFigure F-138. First and Reverse Clutch - ContinuedFigure F-139. Fourth Clutch AssemblyFigure F-139. Fourth Clutch Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-140. Second Clutch, Center Support and Third ClutchFigure F-140. Second Clutch, Center Support and Third Clutch - ContinuedFigure F-141. Control Valve Assembly, Sheet 1 of 3Figure F-141. Control Valve Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-141. Control Valve Assembly, Sheet 2 of 3Figure F-141. Control Valve Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-141. Control Valve Assembly, Sheet 3 of 3Figure F-141. Control Valve Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-142. Lock-Up Cutoff Valve AssemblyFigure F-142. Lock-Up Cutoff Valve Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-143. Governor AssemblyFigure F-143. Governor Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-144. Oil Pump AssemblyFigure F-144. Oil Pump Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-145. Transmission Lock-Up AssemblyFigure F-145. Transmission Lock-Up Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-146. Speedometer Cable AssemblyFigure F-146. Speedometer Cable Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-147. Transmission HosesFigure F-147. Transmission Hoses - ContinuedFigure F-148. Flywheel AssemblyFigure F-148. Flywheel Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-149. Radiator Assembly, Sheet 1 of 2Figure F-149. Radiator Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-149. Radiator Assembly, Sheet 2 of 2Figure F-149. Radiator Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-150. Tires and RimsFigure F-150. Tires and Rims - ContinuedFigure F-150A. Hubs, Bearings & SealsFigure F-150A. Hubs, Bearings & Seals - ContinuedFigure F-151. Parking Brake Control ValvesFigure F-151. Parking Brake Control Valves - ContinuedFigure F-152, Sheet 1 of 3, can be found at the rear of this manual as page FO-3.Figure F-152, Sheet 1 of 3, can be found at the rear of this manual as page FO-3. - ContinuedFigure F-152, Sheet 1 of 3, can be found at the rear of this manual as page FO-3. - ContinuedFigure F-152. Brake System, Sheet 2 of 3Figure F-152. Brake System - ContinuedFigure F-152. Brake System, Sheet 3 of 3Figure F-152. Brake System - ContinuedFigure F-153. Air Dryer (BW AD-9)Figure F-153. Air Dryer (BW AD-9) - ContinuedFigure F-154. Front Brake Shoes, Drums, Chambers, and Slack Adjusters'Unknown' by LOGSA - Page 944 of 1207Figure F-154A. Rear Brake Shoes, Drums, Chambers, and Slack AdjustersFigure F-154A. Rear Brake Shoes, Drums, Chambers, and Slack Adjusters - ContinuedFigure F-155. Brake Pedal Valve AssemblyFigure F-155. Brake Pedal Valve Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-156. Steering Assembly, Sheet 1 of 2Figure F-156. Steering Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-156. Steering Assembly, Sheet 2 of 2Figure F-156. Steering Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-157. Power Steering PumpFigure F-157. Power Steering Pump - ContinuedFigure F-158. Steering GearFigure F-158. Steering Gear - ContinuedFigure F-158. Steering Gear - ContinuedFigure F-159. Front Suspension SystemFigure F-159. Front Suspension System - ContinuedFigure F-160. Rear Axle Suspension SystemFigure F-160. Rear Axle Suspension System - ContinuedFigure F-161. Rear Axle SuspensionFigure F-161. Rear Axle Suspension - ContinuedFigure F-162. Front Axle InstallationFigure F-162. Front Axle Installation - ContinuedFigure F-163. Front Axle AssemblyFigure F-163. Front Axle Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-164. Forward Tandem Axle and Drive Unit, Sheet 1 of 2Figure F-164. Forward Tandem Axle and Drive Unit - ContinuedFigure F-164. Forward Tandem Axle and Drive Unit, Sheet 2 of 2Figure F-164. Forward Tandem Axle and Drive Unit - ContinuedFigure F-165. Rear Tandem Axle and Differential, Sheet 1 of 2Figure F-165. Rear Tandem Axle and Differential - ContinuedFigure F-165. Rear Tandem Axle and Differential, Sheet 2 of 2Figure F-165. Rear Tandem Axle and Differential - ContinuedFigure F-166. Exhaust SystemFigure F-166. Exhaust System - ContinuedFigure F-167. Fuel Tank AssemblyFigure F-167. Fuel Tank Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-168. Frame AssemblyFigure F-168. Frame Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-169. Front Bumper and Front Frame ExtensionFigure F-169. Front Bumper and Front Frame Extension - ContinuedFigure F-170. Tow HooksFigure F-170. Tow Hooks - ContinuedFigure F-171. Aerial Ladder Treads, Safety Railings & Spot LightsFigure F-171. Aerial Ladder Treads, Safety Railings & Spot Lights - ContinuedFigure F-172. Aerial Ladder Turntable AssemblyFigure F-172. Aerial Ladder Turntable Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-172. Aerial Ladder Turntable Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-173. Hoist CylinderFigure F-173. Hoist Cylinder - ContinuedFigure F-174. Swing Crossover Relief Manifold Block AssemblyFigure F-174. Swing Crossover Relief Manifold Block Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-175. Turntable Control StationFigure F-175. Turntable Control Station - ContinuedFigure F-175. Turntable Control Station - ContinuedFigure F-175. Turntable Control Station - ContinuedFigure F-176. Outrigger and Ladder Directional Control Valve AssembliesFigure F-176. Outrigger and Ladder Directional Control Valve Assemblies - ContinuedFigure F-176. Outrigger and Ladder Directional Control Valve Assemblies - ContinuedFigure F-177. Run-Lock Selector ValveFigure F-177. Run-Lock Selector Valve - ContinuedFigure F-178. Hydraulic MotorFigure F-178. Hydraulic Motor - ContinuedFigure F-179. Swing BrakeFigure F-179. Swing Brake - ContinuedFigure F-180. Speed ReducerFigure F-180. Speed Reducer - ContinuedFigure F-181. Hoist Manifold Block AssemblyFigure F-181. Hoist Manifold Block Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-182. Ladder Bed LocksFigure F-182. Ladder Bed Locks - ContinuedFigure F-183. Aerial Ladder Boom SupportFigure F-183. Aerial Ladder Boom Support - ContinuedFigure F-184. Aerial Ladder Base SectionFigure F-184. Aerial Ladder Base Section - ContinuedFigure F-185. Aerial Ladder-Lower Mid SectionFigure F-185. Aerial Ladder-Lower Mid Section - ContinuedFigure F-186. Aerial Ladder-Upper Mid SectionFigure F-186. Aerial Ladder-Upper Mid Section - ContinuedFigure F-187. Aerial Ladder-Fly SectionFigure F-187. Aerial Ladder-Fly Section - ContinuedFigure F-188. Ladder Extension and Retraction SystemFigure F-188. Ladder Extension and Retraction System - ContinuedFigure F-189. Ladder Extension Hydraulic Cylinder-FrontFigure F-189. Ladder Extension Hydraulic Cylinder-Front - ContinuedFigure F-190. Traveling Block AssemblyFigure F-190. Traveling Block Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-191. Ladder Extension Hydraulic Cylinder-RearFigure F-191. Ladder Extension Hydraulic Cylinder-Rear - ContinuedFigure F-192. Torque Box AssemblyFigure F-192. Torque Box Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-193. Outrigger Assembly, Sheet 1 of 2Figure F-193. Outrigger Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-193. Outrigger Assembly, Sheet 2 of 2Figure F-193. Outrigger Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-194. Jack Cylinder Check ValveFigure F-194. Jack Cylinder Check Valve - ContinuedFigure F-195. Outrigger Jack CylinderFigure F-195. Outrigger Jack Cylinder - ContinuedFigure F-196. Outrigger Extend/Retract Hydraulic CylinderFigure F-196. Outrigger Extend/Retract Hydraulic Cylinder - ContinuedFigure F-197. Hydraulic Tank AssemblyFigure F-197. Hydraulic Tank Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-198. System Relief Valve Block AssemblyFigure F-198. System Relief Valve Block Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-1 99. Aerial Control PanelFigure F-1 99. Aerial Control Panel - ContinuedFigure F-200. Monitor and Nozzle AssemblyFigure F-200. Monitor and Nozzle Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-201. Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)Figure F-201. Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) - ContinuedFigure F-202. Cylinder Head AssemblyFigure F-202. Cylinder Head Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-203. Cylinder Block and Oil BaseFigure F-203. Cylinder Block and Oil Base - ContinuedFigure F-204. Crankshaft and FlywheelFigure F-204. Crankshaft and Flywheel - ContinuedFigure F-205. Oil SystemFigure F-205. Oil System - ContinuedFigure F-206. Piston and Rod AssemblyFigure F-206. Piston and Rod Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-207. CamshaftFigure F-207. Camshaft - ContinuedFigure F-208. Governor AssemblyFigure F-208. Governor Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-209. Anti-Flicker & Stop Solenold and Resistor AssemblyFigure F-209. Anti-Flicker & Stop Solenold and Resistor Assembly - ContinuedFigure F-210. Gearcase AssemblyFigure F-210. Gearcase Assembly - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEXPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedAPPENDIX G.AIR SYSTEM SCHEMATICSAir System Schematic (Sheet 1 of 3)Air System Schematic (Sheet 2 of 3)Air System Schematic (Sheet 3 of 3)APPENDIX H. WIRING DIAGRAMSFigure H-1. Electrical Wiring Diagrams (Sheet 1 of 17)Figure H-1. Electrical Wiring Diagrams (Sheet 2 of 17)Figure H-1. Electrical Wiring Diagrams (Sheet 3 of 17)Figure H-1. Electrical Wiring Diagrams (Sheet 4 of 17)Figure H-1. Electrical Wiring Diagrams (Sheet 5 of 17)Figure H-1. Electrical Wiring Diagrams (Sheet 6 of 17)Figure H-1. Electrical Wiring Diagrams (Sheet 7 of 17)Figure H-1. Electrical Wiring Diagrams (Sheet 8 of 17)Figure H-1. Electrical Wiring Diagrams (Sheet 9 of 17)Figure H-1. Electrical Wiring Diagrams (Sheet 10 of 17)Figure H-1. Electrical Wiring Diagrams (Sheet 11 of 17)Figure H-1. Electrical Wiring Diagrams (Sheet 12 of 17)Figure H-1. Electrical Wiring Diagrams (Sheet 13 of 17)Figure H-1. Electrical Wiring Diagrams (Sheet 14 of 17)Figure H-1. Electrical Wiring Diagrams (Sheet 15 of 17)Figure H-1. Electrical Wiring Diagrams (Sheet 16 of 17)Figure H-1. Electrical Wiring Diagrams (Sheet 17 of 17)APPENDIX I. WATER/FOAM SYSTEM PIPINGFigure I-1. Water Foam PipingAPPENDIX J. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM SCHEMATICSFigure J-1. Aerial Ladder Main Pump and Emergency Pump Hydraulic SystemFigure J-2. Aerial Ladder Outrigger Control valve Hydraulic SystemFigure J-3. Aerial Ladder Turntable Controls Hydraulic Rotation SystemFigure J-4. Aerial Ladder Turntable Controls Ladder Elevation SystemFigure J-5. Aerial Ladder Turntable Controls Ladder Extension System