![]() TM5-4210-224-14&P
4-208. BRAKE SYSTEM SERVICE. (Continued)
(1) Fill the master cylinder reservoirs with
(9) Slowly depress the brake pedal allowing
brake fluid (Appendix D, Item 4).
the air to bleed from the loose fitting.
(10) When fluid begins to run, tighten the
Be sure to maintain the fluid level
fitting before releasing the brake pedal.
in the reservoir during the bleeding
(11) Again, if air continues to purge before
fluid runs and the brake pedal cannot be
(2) If the master cylinder is suspected to have
depressed any further, tighten the fitting
air in the bore, it must be bled before any
before releasing the brake pedal, wait 15
wheel cylinder or caliper is bled.
seconds, then repeat this sequence
(including the 15 second wait, if
(3) Remove the forward brake pipe
necessary) until all the air is purged from
connection at the master cylinder and
the bore.
allow brake fluid to flow from the
connector port (4) Connect the brake pipe
but do not tighten.
If it is known that the calipers and
wheel cylinders do not contain any
(5) Slowly depress the brake pedal allowing
air, then it will not be necessary to
the air to bleed from the loose fitting.
continue. Otherwise, continue with
the following.
(6) Tighten the fitting before releasing the
pedal, once fluid begins to run. Wait 15
(12) Bleed each wheel in the following
seconds if necessary, then repeat this
sequence: Right rear, left rear, right front,
sequence (including the 15 second wait)
left front.
until all the air is purged from the bore
and fluid begins to run.
(13) Attach a hose to the appropriate wheel
cylinder/caliper bleeder screw and
(7) After all the air has been removed from
immerse the opposite end of the hose into
the forward connections, disconnect the
a container partially filled with clean brake
rear pipe and allow brake fluid to flow
fluid (Appendix D, Item 4).
from the connector port.
(14) Slowly depress the brake pedal one time
(8) Again, connect the brake pipe but do not
and hold.
(15) Loosen the bleeder screw to purge air
from the wheel cylinder/caliper.
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