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TM 5-4210-220-34 2-21. FRONT AXLE - Continued 2-21.2 Differential Carrier - Continued (3) Apply  press  load  (see  chart  below)  to  the  assembly  and  check  rolling  torque.    Wrap  soft  wire  around  the bearing  cage,  attach  spring  scale  and  pull.    Preload  is  correct  when  torque  required  to  rotate  the  pinion bearing cage is from 10 20 in.  lb (1.1 2.3 Nm).  This specification is translated into spring scale readings in the chart below. (4) If necessary, adjust pinion bearing preload by changing the pinion bearing spacer.  A thicker spacer will decrease preload.  A thinner spacer will increase preload. NOTE Once correct bearing preload has been established, note the spacer size used.  Select a spacer 0.001 in. (0.03 mm) larger for use in the final pinion bearing cage assembly.  The larger spacer compensates for slight "growth" in the bearings which occurs when they are pressed on the pinion shank.  The trial build-up will result in proper pinion bearing preload in three of four cases.  Do not assume that all assemblies will retain  proper  preload  once  bearings  are  pressed  on  pinion  shank.    FINAL  PRELOAD  TEST  MUST  BE MADE IN EVERY CASE. Specifications for Pinion Bearing Spring Scale Reading Trial Build-up Preload Test (without pinion seal) Nominal Bearing Spacer Thickness Press Loads in. mm Tons Metric Tons lbs. kgs. Front Axle 0.638 16.2 13.5-15.5 12.2-14.0 4-8 2-4 Rear Axle 0.496 12.6 17-19 15.4-17.2 3-7 2-3 d. Pinion Bearing Preload - Final Test And Adjustment NOTE Rear axle pinion is equipped with helical gear.    For   easier      disassembly   during bearing   adjustment    procedure,    use    a dummy yoke in place of helical gear. (1) Apply clamp load to the pinion bearing cage assembly.  Either install the yoke (or helical gear) and torque the pinion nut to specifications or use a press to simulate nut torque (see chart below). Vise Method - If the yoke and nut are used, mount the assembly in a vise, clamping yoke firmly. Press Method - If a press is used, position a sleeve or spacer so that load is applied directly to the backface of the outer bearing cone. (2) Measure  pinion bearing preload by using a spring scale to test the assembly rolling torque. To use the spring scale, wrap soft wire around the bearing cage, attach the scale and pull.  Preload is correct when torque required to rotate the pinion bearing cage is from 15 35 in.  lb (1.7 4.0 Nm).  This specification is translated into spring scale readings in the chart below. 2-300

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