![]() 13B. FUEL FILTERS. Replace fuel/water separator filter and engine
10. STEERING LINKAGE. Lubricate all components every 500
fuel filter every 250 bows. When filters replaced, disconnect one
hours or 6 months with grease. There are 4 universal joints on the
delivery line from filter and set PRIME switch to ON in cab until fuel
column and two ball joints on the drag link. The miter box and
steering gear are each fitted with a lube point. The front axle has
flows from connection. Set switch to OFF, tighten coupling and
attempt to start engine. Repeat procedure as required. Inspect all
lube points on the upper and lower king pin bearings and on each tie
hoses/joints for leaks. Tighten as required.
rod end. The lower king pins are fitted with pipe pugs. Install grease
nipple to lubricate. Refit pipe plug when lubrication completed. All
14. OIL CAN POINTS. Every 500 hours or 6 months lubricate the
components except king pins should be greased until grease appears
following points, transmission shift linkage, cab heater cables, throttle
at the seals. King pins should be given 5 shots with a grease gun.
pedal pivot, seat adjusters, APU shutdown cable and all
Lubricate each axle bail with a film of grease.
compartment hinges, catches, and door handles, wiper arms and
engine throttle linkage.
15. GREASE POINTS. Every 500 hours or 6 months lubricate the
following points with a hand grease gun.
Do not remove radiator cap when the system is hot as this
Foot throttle linkage on engine
could result in injury to personnel. Do not add coolant
Pivot points on structural panel valve control levers.
directly to the radiator if the engine is hot.
Radiator fan bearing. d) Front and rear spring pins.
Front and rear brake S-cam brackets and slack adjusters.
Check engine coolant level daily. Constant level should be not more
than 3 inches below top of radiator.
When changing or adding
16. TOTAL TASK-HOURS. The Task-Hr. column in the key gives
coolant always use a glycol/water mixture as prescribed in TB
the time for execution of the specified interval service. When
750-651. Drain, flush, and refill the cooling system in accordance
performing several of the services at the same time, e.g.. intervals
with TB 750451.
50, 100, and 250, the times of all these intervals have been combined
for the total task-hours. (See Card 3 of 5).
1 2A. AUXILIARY POWER UNIT (APU). Check APU crank case oil
level daily. Top up oil as required.
A copy of this lubrication order will remain with the vehicle at all
times; instructions contained herein are mandatory.
By Order of the Secretary of the Army:
In the event the {PU is run continuously, change the oil every 50
hours and check the oil level every 8 hours.
General, United States Army
12B. AUXILIARY POWER UNIT (APU). Take an oil sample every
Chief of Staff
week for the AOAP. Change crankcase oil every 50 bows of APU
engine operation or 6 months of as directed by AOAP. Change
engine air cleaner and remove all dirt and grime from the engine
cooling fins every 250 hours. Before replacing oil in engine, remove
engine oil filter and breather and wash with dry cleaning solvent.
Administrative Assistant to the
Allow to air dry before replacing on engine. Inspect fuel filter weekly.
Secretary of the Army
To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 1 2-25E
(qty rqr beck no. 5221).
JP-4 is highly volatile fuel. Extraordinary care must be taken when
servicing components that use this fuel. The truck shall be grounded
to an approved grounding point if it contains JP-4 fuel.
Inspect fuel/water separator each day.
Drain any condensate
collected in the bowl.
Card 6 of 6
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